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The Quesnel Zone encompasses approximately 1 830 000 hectares and is one of four Forest Protection Zones under the jurisdiction of the Cariboo Fire Centre. The Quesnel Zone is bisected by highway 97 and extends north from Macalister to the Cottonwood River. The zone extends eastward beyond Bowron Lake Provincial Park to the Fraser River divide and westward to the Ulkatcho Mountains and Tweedsmuir Park. The Quesnel Zone comprises a variety of landscapes and terrains. Quesnel is in the Fraser River Valley at an elevation of approximately 545 meters. To the west, the terrain is composed mostly of rolling hills and the Chilcotin Plateau. In contrast, the more rugged eastern reaches of the zone include Cunningham Pass where Roberts Peak rises to an elevation of 2703.8 meters. There are a variety of timber types found within the Quesnel Zone. Interior Douglas Fir is the dominant species along the Quesnel River, Blackwater River and the Fraser River Valley. In addition, pockets of Aspen can also be found along the Quesnel and Blackwater Rivers. A Cedar and Hemlock mix lines the Cariboo River whereas a Pine, Spruce mix blankets the Chilcotin Plateau.